Saturday 17 September, 6 p.m.
By Zoom
This year’s National Conference will again be held by Zoom on 17 September. Section secretaries and private members should have received an email from National Secretary Edward Gilder regarding registration for attendance. More details, including access details for delegates, will follow closer to the time.
To help facilitate debate within Sections about the submitted motions, and to aid transparency, the motions are available below, together with the National Secretary’s report and the draft financial statement for 2021. We have also added a link to the minutes of last year’s conference below for ease of reference (they also remain available on the Downloads page).
The agenda, nominations received for posts and standing orders for the meeting are also shown below.
Download as PDF:
Click the links below to download the PDF file containing the motion text.
- Motion submitted by Tuxford Section – Extending the hand of fellowship to Ukrainian refugees settling temporarily or permanently in the UK
- Motion submitted by London Section – Change membership period to 12 months from date of joining or renewal rather than automatically ending on 31st December (Rule 4.5)
- Motion submitted by Brighton Section – Replace the NCCC block voting system with One Member, One Vote
Full text:
Motion submitted by Tuxford Section
The current tragedies in Ukraine leave us all feeling sad and helpless towards the plight of families having to flee their homes to other parts of Europe and attempt to rebuild some resemblance of life and normality. It is hard to imagine the devastation of homes and families, but it is heart-warming to hear of the generosity and welcoming into private homes throughout neighbouring countries, and most likely many tens of thousands will arrive here in the UK.
Not everyone in the country has spare bedrooms or empty second houses to give up, and we are sure that most people would like to help as much as they can.
A cycling club is a strange place to turn to in desperate needs, but there may come a time when refugees (temporarily or permanently settling) in the UK will be looking for ways to integrate into their new or temporary communities, and their physical and mental health could benefit from joining a cycling club.
Tuxford Clarion’s proposal to the annual conference is to place on the agenda, an item for debate and discussion, titled:
‘how the National Clarion CC can extend the hand of fellowship to Ukrainian refugees settling temporarily or permanently in the UK’.
Ideas could be around preferential or free membership to the Clarion (and participating sections), or providing a number of free bikes pledged by members, or creating a Ukranian section of the Clarion.
We believe that the National Clarion Cycling Club is ideally placed to provide a form of Nationwide support for Ukrainian refugees. The phrase ‘fellowship is life’ could never be more fitting. Tuxford Clarion Committee – March 2022
Motion submitted by London Section
Change membership period to 12 months from date of joining or renewal rather than automatically ending on 31st December.
4.5 The Membership Secretary shall maintain an up to date record of membership. The Membership Secretary shall inform the National Secretary of the membership of each Section seven clear days before the Annual Conference. Membership shall cease on 31st December each year, save that subscriptions paid by new members on or after 1st September shall remain valid for membership until 31st December of the following year. Membership shall have deemed to have lapsed if not renewed by the end of February each year.
Change to
4.5 The Membership Secretary shall maintain an up to date record of membership. The Membership Secretary shall inform the National Secretary of the membership of each Section seven clear days before the Annual Conference. Membership shall cease 12 months after joining or renewal. Membership shall have deemed to have lapsed if not renewed within 13 months of joining or renewing.
Motion submitted by Brighton Section
The block voting system currently used by NCCC is undemocratic and needs to be replaced. One Member, One Vote (OMOV), conducted online, would ensure all Clarion members are engaged in the decision making process. The inclusive OMOV system has been used successfully by the London Cycling Campaign & CTC and should also be adopted by NCCC.
National Secretary’s Report
Download the National Secretary’s Report for 2021/22 as a PDF by clicking the link.
Draft Financial Statement for 2021
Download the Draft Financial Statement to December 31, 2021 as a PDF by clicking the link.
Minutes from Conference 2021
Download the minutes from last year’s conference as a PDF by clicking the link.
The agenda is shown below, and you can also download it as a PDF by clicking the link.
- Opening and welcome by Chair
- Minutes of Conference 2021
- Matters arising – these may only be to correct any inaccuracies of the record
- Election of Officers*
- Secretary’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Questions on the above
- Motions previously submitted by Tuxford, London and Brighton and notified to sections
- Any Other Business
- The following have been nominated so far:
- President – Neil Shand, North Cheshire
- Chair – Edward Ireland, Clitheroe
- Secretary – Edward Gilder, Broadland
- Minutes Secretary – Charles Harvey, Broadland
- Treasurer – Andrew Martin, Tuxford
- Racing Secretary – Steve Clarke, Fenland
- IT Manager – Michael Stainer, Dronfield
- Membership Secretary – Paul Whitehead, Blackpool
- Boots and Spurs Editor – Edward Gilder, Broadland
Additional nominations can be made from the “floor” of the meeting and would particularly be welcomed for the post of National Secretary
Standing Orders
The standing orders cover events before, during and after conference and can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking the link.